Friday, May 25, 2007

About Me

My name is Yousef Mohammed Ahmed Al Ali. I’m 22 years old. I am in the second year in Abu Dhabi Mens College of Technology and this web site is part of my English project which I have to write about global warming. My major now is mechanical engineer this major will help me to know how things work and I like fixing. In my free time I like to play football and go fishing every month once, play volleyball and watch movies in the cinema. I go to the cinema with my friends every weekend. In the future, I want to marry and make a happy family . But before I marry I must finish college and work before anything to make a really happy family. In addition, I have wishes I would like to do jump by parachute from high distance and climb a High Mountain.

Definition of Global Warming

Carbon dioxide and other gases warm the surface of the planet naturally by trapping solar heat in the atmosphere. This is a good thing because it keeps our planet life able. However, by burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil and clearing forests. Forests are especially important to us because trees, like other green plants, take carbon dioxide from the air when they make their food by the process called photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide and other gases will make atmosphere thicker so the heat will trap it the earth because the Carbon dioxide and other air pollution that is in the atmosphere trapping the sun’s heat and causes the earth to warm up.

Review of (An inconvenient truth)

Al Gore on his film (An inconvenient truth) the documentary film try to show us that the earth in great dangerous situation. There are evidences in ten years time we will face a very big problem in our plant with all sort of effect in the weather this caused by the greenhouse gases. Former vice president Al Gore said that the amount of carbon dioxide is more in the planet the temperature will increase. He showed us examples of some places became hotter after the global warming increase. Al Gore said that with the increase of the temperature will melt the ice and this cause an increase of the sea level and because of that many of countries will be under the water.

From my opinion, I think Al Gore made useful film he thanks for tying to show us the earth in dangerous but he looks in empty part of cup and ignored the fill part which is important also.

One important cause ( Methane)

The increase in temperature help methane to goes up to air from ice and water. Methane is stronger than carbon dioxide as a green house gas. According to scientists, Methane has big hand in global warming. In the past, when the earth’s temperature goes up to dangerous level such as 6 degrees above normal, the earth’s temperature then increased an additional 11 degrees. Methane is stored in the earths oceans and is released when the temperature increases and pressure goes down. Also, methane can be found in ice. When ice melts, methane stored in the ice is released. Scientists fear that if the earth reaches a dangerous temperature, it would be impossible to turn back and we have to face big problem in global warming.

The effects

Global warming starts to make lots of effect in the world. On of these effects is increasing in water temperature in all beaches and seas in the world. Another effect is decreasing of ice bergs in both pole. This caused to decrease number of fish which live in the ice. Also there is a notice of ice melting in the Green Land Island which caused to melt billions tones of ice in the water every year. Also there is a notice in decreasing of houses prices which are located near to the beach. Some countries such as Abu Dhabi which is totally surrounded by water may sink in the future due to global warming. Here in U.A.E temperature is increasing from summer to summer and sometimes it reaches up to 50C or more. Global warming starts to make effect to animals either. They are getting affected mainly because of climate change.

What can we do in UAE to reduce CO2 levels?

Here in U.A.E many of us can do a good thing to prevent the global warming. Even in our houses we can do a good job to decrease the danger of the global warming. The main thing that causes the global warming is burning fuel and gasses through factories and plants. We can reduce using electricity in our houses to decrease the pressure to electrical generators which depend and work using fuel and gas. Also instead using a 4 wheel cars we can use a small cars with 4 cylinders which consumes a small amounts of fuel. In the same case we can increase using of cars which work by gas instead of oil because it is less harmful to the environment and don’t consume gas a lot. Adding to that we can switch on the screen saver in our computers when we don’t use them to save the battery which depend on the electricity. All of these are a simple things which we can follow them easily and encourage other people to follow them.

What I learned during this project

The project is useful for me in many things:

1.Making Blog , I didn’t know making blog it will be easy but after I started making the blog I learned how to make one with easy way.

2.Global Warming Causes , When I was research some information about global warming causes I found many of causes we can reduce it in easy steps everyone can do it.

3.the destroyer effects , when I saw the effects of global warming I felt all this come from us so I started to change my habit to decrease the pollution.

4. An inconvenient truth , this film I watched with my classmates to write essay about it. It showed us we are living in dangerous but in this film it show many things so I took the benefits and left the rest which is useless.